It is important to us that you are satisfied, so we try to be as accurate, fast and reliable as possible from order to delivery. In fact, during all phases of the purchasing process, you are provided with all the useful information, from product availability to delivery methods, so that the service we offer is 100% comprehensive.
Within the detail page of each individual product, you will always find indicated whether the item is available. The Availability levels of a product are:
Available - The product can be ordered immediately and you will receive it within the indicated shipping times or you can collect it at one of our collection points chosen by you.
Not Available - They are preview products or are finished and must arrive.
Delivery time
The delivery times indicated refer to purchases with prepayment by credit card, PostePay or PayPal. Different payment methods such as bank transfer can change the delivery time as the order will be managed only when we receive confirmation of the credit from the bank.
The delivery date will therefore be subject to the availability of the product at the time we have received confirmation of payment.
Spese di spedizione
Italy: 6€ (including VAT)
Europe (outside Italy): 21€ (including VAT)
Procedure upon receipt of goods
When we ship a package by courier, there is the possibility that it will arrive at its destination damaged. The reasons may be different: The contents may be fragile, the packaging may be given away during transport, an operator may have been not very careful in handling the package, etc.
What to do to protect ourselves from this possibility?
Upon delivery, the courier will ask you to sign a document to prove that he has delivered the package to the address or person who was to receive it. If you see that the package appears to be damaged or tampered with, you will have to contest the shipment and / or delivery by putting the wording "GOODS INSPECTION RESERVE FOR ... (indicate the reason)" on the delivery document received by the courier.
The wording "RESERVE" allows you to check the goods even at a later time since the courier by law does not allow you to open the package until you have signed.
WARNING! If you accept without RESERVE you sign a document that says that the package has arrived in perfect condition, and at that point it will be very difficult to ask for a refund.
Subsequently you will have to report any damage within 2 (two) days of receipt of the goods in the manner prescribed by the courier chosen for the shipment.